I’m all for doing things the easy way…aren’t we all? I’d love nothing more than to dream grand dreams and just have them easily come true. Wishin’ and hopin’ alone just isn’t that effective. And as a woman, I’m not alone.

Women are remarkedly resilient and resourceful and we can do amazing things. However, we’re also reluctant to ask for help or admit we can’t do everything by ourselves all the time. In no area is this more apparent than with our finances. We keep doing what we’ve always done which often isn’t much and then we hope for different results. For most women, this will not result in a well-funded retirement, secure future or making those dreams come true.

Hourglass Workshops is all about supporting a community of women to rediscover themselves after years of serving others to live more vibrant, colorful life. This month, we are hosting a very important financial seminar specifically tailored to women. The Empowering Women: Money and Our Future seminar begins 9/9 for 3-Tuesday evening series.

In a recent Forbes post  “Women don’t feel prepared to make wise decisions and are not sure what to consider when evaluating their options. They don’t seem to be taking action either,” said Lori Dickerson Fouché, chief executive officer of Prudential Group Insurance, at a media briefing about the study.

That inertia will have serious implications for them. Prudential’s findings aren’t groundbreaking, but they’re one more slap in the face that women are just not getting it.

In her recent New York Times article, Women to Wall Street: Are You Listening?, M.P. Dunleavey wrote that “many women are struggling to feel in control of their finances, given certain hurdles of their own. (Knowledge gaps + anxiety = shame.) Seventy-seven percent of women want to be involved in day-to-day investment decisions, a Merrill Lynch study found last fall, yet 72% say they ‘know less than the average investor’ about investing in general.”


Our seminar will help us all make our dreams come true and create a more secure future for ourselves and those we love. Please consider joining us. Sign up today.