Jan 31, 2013 | Baby Boomers
As a lifelong procrastinator, I finally have fully embraced the mantra “do it now!” I had a habit of putting things off until the last minute for many reasons. At no time is dealing with procrastination more relevant than in our “bonus years”. At this fabulous time in...
Jan 17, 2013 | Friendship
There has been research that shows that actually making resolutions is useful. That if you do you will be 10 times more likely to achieve your goal than if you had not made the resolution! This year I did not make any. Does that mean I don’t have plans or expect to...
Oct 19, 2012 | Baby Boomers, Friendship, Hourglass Conversations Video, Midlife Crisis, Sensuality
Join Nancy and Cherryll as they talk about how “You are the most important person in your life.”
Sep 28, 2012 | Baby Boomers, Friendship, Hourglass Conversations Video
What’s your touchstone? Join our conversation to find out about ours.
Sep 20, 2012 | Hourglass Conversations Video
Join us as we discuss the changing of the seasons.
Sep 14, 2012 | Baby Boomers, Midlife Crisis
In times of major transitions, we impatiently want to leap ahead of ourselves and onto the next thing. Often without much thought. In my experience, this rarely works….the best forward movement in these times seems to be by small turtle steps. Remember the...
Jul 25, 2012 | Hourglass Conversations Video
It’s so important to just “start where you are”. It might be scary, but join us, and jump right in to whatever you want to try! It doesn’t have to be perfect, you just have to get started.